Sunday, January 20, 2008

Sharkwater - the movie

So i caught Sharkwater with H last night. It was an amazing showcase of how majestic these gentle creatures are and of coz all the gross misconceptions people have about them. Winner of 22 international film awards.. you've got to catch this documentary.

a few takeaways i gotta mention:
  • elephants kill more people than sharks
  • shark populations have declined 90% in the last 30 years
  • shark fins being just cartilage (aka the same stuff your ear is made of), has no medicinal value or taste whatsoever
  • they really STILL do cut off the fins and throw the poor finless shark (still alive) back into the sea
  • Galapagos (and other nature/marine reserves) are not as protected as we think/tourism boards make us think they are.
Other after-movie thoughts...
  • Rob Stewart is inspirational.. and cute to boot
  • 'Jaws' the movie, is evil
  • The conservation movement seriously needs more money
  • The MD of Rabbit Brand Sharkfin is a joke
With this MD's heavy Singaporean accent, it's so obvious he's from Singapore. And his ignorance about sharks - talking about sharkfins' magic medicinal prowess (well can't blame him given he has to SELL it), everytime he came on screen - laughter all abound. But being Singaporean too, couldn't help but feel like burying my head under the ground. Oh well, just hope the Asian mindset will change.

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