Friday, August 1, 2008

Random Wish list

If only fishermen had the means to fish for only half the fishing season...
and let stocks replenish the other half the season

If only Dove had refill packs available in supermarkets or even better, set up refill stations.- saw refills only once at some dodgy neighbourhood store. (And notice how I couldn't even find a dove refill image to post.)

If only styrofoams were banned in Singapore. It has already happened in 100 cities in USA.

If only Green roofs were made compulsory in cities all over the world

If only MOE made green education and field trips (like that organised by ecofieldtrips or nature groups) part of school curriculum. Always wondered why I never had the chance to go to Southern Islands when I was young. Didn't even know about it then. Read about Earth schools in Canada here.
If only green media became the norm.
I would love to see a 'love nature' section in the Straits Times some day.

If only humans could live with 'just enough'.
"People can cry much easier than they can change"
-James Baldwin via Change Everything


juanicths said...

I agree with not being able to find shampoo refill packs. Too bad Shokubutsu doesn't do shampoos or else that may be possible. Refill packs for facial wash/cleansers would be welcomed too!

Bing said...

good wish list!
yeah i wish styrofoams were banned too.
and 'just enough' i guess only happens when u get old and realise everything is meaningless. i think more could be done if pple channel their wants and anxiety towards doing something more meaningful.

peizee said...

u know bing, i realized only after i posted that if i were to be one of those 'just enough' people I wouldn't be posting a wish list. ironic huh. haha.

yeh juan.. maybe i shld write to dove and ask for it huh. tink they'll listen?

Bing said...

haha well at least u know what you want to see done! thats a step already.
btw, i have a new blog now at :)